
Stephen King om Kubricks udgave af ”The Shining”

Stephen King var ikke helt enig i Stanley Kubricks fortolkning af The Shining. Hør ham beskrive...

The Art of Stanley Kubrick

”He was a photographer, a writer, a producer and a director, but above all; he was an artist”....

Sjældent interview med hr. Stanley Kubrick

Stanley Kubrick gav ikke mange interview - og stort set ingen på film. Der findes et par...

The Unfinished Films of Stanley Kubrick

Denne korte dokumentar omhandler de af Kubricks film der aldrig kom i produktion. Se den her:...

Kubrick Remembered

A glimpse behind the curtain comes in the form of revealing interviews with Kubrick’s family...

Stanley Kubrick A Life In Pictures

The career and life of Stanley Kubrick is explored through pictures, clips from his films, his...


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